Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hey folks, I'm
Ange Angoh UI Designer UX Designer

Building a successful product is a challenge. I am highly energetic in user experience design and interfaces.

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Things I have designed for digital media agencies



UI/UX DesignerCamsol Innovations GmbH

I was in charge of a design of an online quiz platform and leading the implementation of the project. I used Figma for the design and Notion for the follow up of the implementation.


UI/UX InternCamsol Innovations GmbH

I took part in a bootcamp where I acquired more knownledge about ui/ux design. I learned about the design thinking process and also about user interface design.



Bachelor In EngineeringUniversity of Buea - Faculty of Engineering and Technology

I spent 4 years learning about computer engineering.


GCE Advanced LevelGBHS Bonnaberi

I learned Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry.

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